"What I learned is don't go all crazy"
A met with one of my long time clients today and he has been making some great progress recently!
When we started there were many things about his nutrition and lifestyle he did not want to change, but knew changes needed to be made as he'd had a cancerous tumor removed.
We took things slow going at a pace he felt comfortable with.
The last few months he's really made big moves and is feeling all the positive changes in his health! He also reported that he noticed his hair is growing back! YAY!
At the end of our session he said, "What I've learned through all of this is don't go all crazy. If you try to do it all at once you'll give up. Take your time, take baby steps, and you'll get there."
I think that this is such an important lesson we can all be reminded of.
Even when I was making changes to my nutrition and lifestyle I did it one step at a time. I didn't do it all overnight or in a week or even month. It took a couple of years of dedication, and it's still an ongoing process and journey.
I love to see when clients have their own "ah-hah" moments! It's so exciting!
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Taylor DeBoer
"What I learned is don't go all crazy"
Fruit Girl πŸ‰
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