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The Mission
This community is for people who are tired of spending so much time online, but still recognize the immense value of the internet once you become a master of the tool. On the one hand, I have spent years of my life on digital entertainment that doesn't really matter, but at the same time it's been an irreplaceable tool for learning, helping people and making money. That's the only reason I'm still here to be honest. I would love to stay offline all the time to feel completely present and focused, but I also want to be financially free and make a huge impact, which is not possible without using the internet. So I'm on a quest to find out how to create the most value with the least amount of time online. Is that something you would also like to pursue? How well does that message resonate? Let me know in the comments 😉
New comment Feb 19
Let's work together to get people out of the digital matrix
I just watched a video about the Apple Vision Pro and I really felt sickened by the direction we are heading. I used to think that social media is worrisome, but unfortunately it is just the beginning. I really want to do something about it, but of course I can't do it alone. This should become a bigger movement of like-minded people who care about freedom and being connected to nature and everyone around us, using the internet as a tool to empower people instead of enslaving them. I believe this community can help. We can support each other in overcoming digital addiction and unlocking the power of deep focus, while uniting as creators to inspire the masses as well, helping them achieve meaningful change in their lives, not just using their attention to feed our businesses. What do you think would make a difference? And what kind of community would you be like to be a part of? I'll do my best to make this happen :)
Let's work together to get people out of the digital matrix
Start Here
Hey! Welcome to this community of people who aspire to take control of their lives, stop doom-scrolling and procrastination to use the internet as a tool for learning, helping people and making money, spending as little time online as possible. I created this group because I struggled with digital addiction for about 21 years after a concrete block crushed my spine when I was just a schoolkid. Due to my trauma, I became severely addicted to video games like Counter Strike and World of Warcraft. It was difficult to move around in a wheelchair while getting bullied at school, so I found the perfect escape from my life. It was so bad that I sometimes even peed my pants because I couldn't stop playing. As a result of this addiction, I rarely exercised my body to increase my chances of walking again. I didn't go outside or develop my social skills. Not a single girl wished to talk to me, except in the online world. I couldn't hide from my problems forever, so I eventually fell into depression and came close to ending my life. Fortunately, I managed to overcome it by accepting myself and realizing that I'm the creator of my own life. Although I regret wasting a lot of time on anime and other forms of entertainment, I never regret watching Naruto, as it played a big role in keeping me from giving up (I even made a video about it). Fast-forward a couple of years, I had transformed into a joyful, independent person with many talents. I loved going to the gym to build muscle, driving my own car, studying at a university and playing the guitar. I realized that I could make a huge impact on other people's lives. However, there was one problem: I was still addicted to digital devices. Maybe I was okay for a month or two, but suddenly found myself binging on a new TV show or anime again, losing all progress. So it took years of trial and error to actually become free of it.
New comment Jan 21
Start Here
Prison Break
I wish to share some writing that I created 10 years ago while I was addicted to the internet. It's crazy to think that the addiction continued for an additional 9 years (until I managed to quit all random entertainment and create a stable income with my business while only using the internet to learn and create), but this was the starting point where things began to change little by little. ---- All these hours wasted in front of the computer screen, being addicted to watching TV series, playing games, or just mindlessly surfing Facebook and checking the mail account every 10 minutes… We can never get that time back. Why? What’s the point of all this? If you can do anything or be anyone? To just live without goals and let life drag you along… Is it really worth it? Being separated from society without creating any value. Is it really your true desire? Or is it just your little box that you cherish so dearly, surrounding yourself with its walls like a prison cell you don't want to escape from? It feels so safe. It’s so easy, right? The clock is ticking: tick-tock, tick-tock. Time is passing by, days just come one after another. Always the same loop, the same patterns. Every waking up feels the same. Everything is so predictable. Sometimes there is some light shining through the wall cracks, but it’s only temporary. Or you just won’t look at it. You will entertain yourself a bit and take some peeks, but then turn around again and look away like the light never exists. Like you don’t have any purpose at all. No responsibility whatsoever. Totally separated from the world in your little bubble. Your mind is telling you that everything is alright, like it’s totally rational. It uses different sentences learned from books or spiritual gurus and plays with them like it wants. When you see something about self-development or taking up challenges, pushing yourself, your mind says: „But why? Why should we push? Don’t resist anything. Resistance is bad, remember? You don’t have to do anything. You can just sit around all day and no one can judge you. Accept what is!“
Prison Break
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From Consumer to Creator
Conquer digital distractions and procrastination, maximizing your online time for income and impact while reclaiming freedom in the real world.
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