Top Coaches
Private group
124 members
This is a private group ONLY for Online Coaches that want to take their business to the next level.
Here's what you are going to get:
⚡AD Mastery (10k+ Value)
⚡Setting Framework that books us 2-5 qualified calls daily (5k+ Value)
⚡Selling Framework to help you get better at High-Ticket sales (5k+ Value)
⚡Weekly LIVE coaching calls (5k+ Value)
⚡And much more
Using these resources we've helped 100+ online coaches scale past 30k/month
I am doing this to help more people build successful online coaching businesses that make a massive impact and a massive amount of profit.
See you on the inside
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Top Coaches
Private group
Giving YOU the exact strategies to close your FIRST or NEXT Coaching Client in the next 30 days!
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