Should you launch a coaching offer as an agency owner?
As an agency owner I switched my focus to a coaching/consulting offer and couldn't be more happy with the decision.
Get paid for giving advice and coaching people through struggles you have already faced.
What a great model.
Lots of benefits but profit has been the major. 90% margins will bring some stress levels down. Also good for the family with less stressed Dad.
So many agency owners think they are going to scale their way out of pain but the business model is what's keeping you stressed out of your mind.
I still have my DFY services but a consulting offer just makes a lot of sense for many agency owners.
If you've been running an agency for a good amount of time I guarantee you there are people on your list already that would take you up on a consulting offer.
They want to learn how to fish for themselves.
It's also a different type of relationship with your clients. Instead of just being an other agency where you are seen as a commodity.
They come to you for your expertise. There's more respect and it tends to bring on clients that aren't codependent. Meaning they understand they gotta put in the work to get the results.
If you are an agency owner and want to launch a consulting offer that's something I help with in my Freedom Creator Mentorship.
If you feel called to serve in this type of capacity I'd be happy to help.
Just shoot me a DM and I'll send over the details.
Adam Luckey
Should you launch a coaching offer as an agency owner?
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