I've spent over 2.5 mil on ads for our clients on Meta. Just around 200k for client acquisition ads for my business.
It's not a ton compared to a lot of people but has allowed me to learn quite a bit about advertising.
If you are an online coach, consultant, or agency owner than here's one of the most important lessons I've learned.
I used to think direct response advertising was king.
I never wanted to do content or branding. I saw it as a waste of time and money.
And to be fair a lot of it was.
I've always been someone that likes efficiency and shortcuts.
Why waste all my time making content and hitting up 100 people in the DM's every day if I could just make ads and print money.
It's a challenge to get your content picked up by the algorithms. It's hard to know what kind of content you should post and where.
That's the main downside. It's slow.
So I spent the majority of my time doing direct response ads.
"I'll get you 30 clients in 90 days guaranteed"
Stuff like that.
It worked but had a ton of downside.
Bad fit clients. Lots of stress. Low show rates (40%). Low close rates (20-30%). Paying high commissions. Having to sell one off high ticket packages so not much recurring revenue.
Also, it kind of defies the logical progression of relationship. Making someone you don't know for a high investment offer is equivalent to asking someone you don't know to marry.
It's different if you ask someone you don't know to pay you $100. That's more appropriate and similar to asking for a date.
Took me a while to figure this out since I can be pretty stubborn minded.
But enough pain will cause you to change eventually.
I was tired of the "buy or die" environment I was selling in. Having to do hour long sales calls where there is no trust built.
Compared to now where after implementing what I call the Direct Brand Funnel, the conversations I have are a lot more chill.
This is because I focus on strategic content that does the majority of the selling for me and then use paid ads to accelerate the reach.
I teach this whole funnel for free here in the classroom.
It's also one of the pillars I focus on in my 1-1 coaching.
I am taking on a few clients until July 3rd then I close the doors for about a month.
I like to focus the majority of my energy working closely with my clients to create more recurring profit using the Freedom Creator Model.
If you'd like more info just shoot me a DM and I'll send over the details.
Adam Luckey
I've spent over 2.5 mil on ads for our clients on Meta. Just around 200k for client acquisition ads for my business.
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