ALL TRAININGS from my 'Hybrid Mastermind for Top 1% Sales are NOW AVAILABLE to ALL Members regardless of levels.
Silly me, Im super new to Skool. I thought that by setting levels for the trainings they would just unlock once you complete each one. But I now realise it reflects the levels each member is at. So I have UNLOCKED ALL modules to all community members so you can all get on with CRUSHING! I will also be Sharing my entire TRANSFORMATION framework - The Rapid Reset Method with you guys as well. But Ill let you focus on the TOP 1% sales first :-)
Kian Eder
ALL TRAININGS from my 'Hybrid Mastermind for Top 1% Sales are NOW AVAILABLE to ALL Members regardless of levels.
Free Skool for Top 1% Sales
MAGIC, MINDSET and MARKETING to work with ONLY Top 1% Clients. No Funnels, No Sales Calls, No Ads. Group by Kian Eder - 20+ Years Energy and Marketing
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