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Weekly Mastermind (USA) is happening in 4 days
New Resources to the Founders Circle Coming Soon
Hey guys and gals, doing some market analysis for a few resources we’re putting together for the group, and would love your input. We’re all about giving value where we can, and the best way to do that is to understand where you guys are at a deep level. Let me know if you’d be open to sharing some insights! 5 minute max typeform: I'll share the results with you guys after so you can have some helpful insights from those in your industries. Appreciate you more than you know. Thank you for the time and thoughts! Ps... looking to do a pitch deck review fish tank call of sorts with the group here soon. If you are interested in having us review your pitch deck, or need support in getting something stood up, shoot me a pm! Be great,
New comment May 2
Weekly Mastermind Timings
Weekly masterminds are a great way to build value for the community and help each other build accountability to hit our professional and personal goals. We will meet in two time zones every Wednesday: If you are in the USA, join our 8PM GMT-4 (New York) every Tuesday Evening. This is 5PM California Time (PST). If you are in Asia, Australia, Middle East or Europe, join our 6PM GMT + 8 Time Zone (Hong Kong) every Wednesday evening. This is 10AM London time or 2PM Dubai Time.
New comment Apr 24
Ho Yin @Ho Yin Cheung will run tonight’s meet up Let us know if you plan to join in about 12 mins
Our first mastermind!
We had 4 of us spend the hour on making high quality intros, give feedback on new markets and explore funnel optimisation! Thank you @Rune Kippervik @Cap Hernandez @Alex Kagwanja
New comment Mar 28
Our first mastermind!
Asia + Europe + Middle East Weekly Wednesday Mastermind
We are starting in 25 minutes! Lavine Hemlani is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Lavine Hemlani's Personal Meeting Room Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 440 273 8994
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Founders Circle
Public group
Founders Circle: top founders, masterminds (US/EU/APAC time zones), ⁠2+ intros/month & a private database of investors, founders & partners
Leaderboard (30-day)
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