Write something
The Beginning
Character development is a journey that doesn't unfold overnight, much as I wish it did. I don't label myself as a terrible person, but I'm acutely aware of the gaps and holes in my character. Actively engaging in self-reflection, I've been learning about and incorporating traits I aspire to embody. Setting specific goals each week to introduce, modify, or enhance particular aspects or traits has become my ritual. I jot them down, keep them in mind during relevant situations throughout the week, and then reflect on my progress at week's end. Gradually, I find myself integrating these traits with increasing ease. Even with a hyper-focus on one (or a couple) of specific traits, making improvements and acknowledging them can still be challenging. Currently, I employ a rotating set of traits, cycling through around 20 at the moment and dedicating time to two each week. This approach is deliberate; instead of fixating on one trait until it feels "perfect," I acknowledge my imperfections and focus on continuous growth. Recognizing that I'm not flawless allows me to avoid getting stuck in a cycle of feeling like I've failed or could always do better. With a rotating list of traits, I can appreciate my progress, learn from it, and then seamlessly transition to the next trait on the list. Subconsciously, I'm also honing the traits from previous weeks, enabling me to sharpen the saw across various aspects of my character rather than fixating on one specific area.
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The Forge
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