Don't Lower your Prices
Do you want to know what happens when you lower your prices to appease the bargain shoppers???
You turn yourself into a sweatshop.
Your own personal factory of work, with little to no gain.
I did it once, many years ago. I worked non-stop for a couple of huge, but low-paying projects for hours and hours. I got almost no sleep. I ignored my child to keep working.
And nothing came from it. No usable portfolio pictures, no referrals, only sweatshop pay that I had foolishly agreed to.
Never again. πŸ™…β€β™€οΈπŸ‘Ž
Keep your prices where the industry tells you they should be. Use the pricing formulas. Write your contracts so everyone gains value. If someone can't afford your price, let them pass on by. Stay open and ready for the clients who are agreeable and ready to pay for your professional expertise.
Sara Koelsch
Don't Lower your Prices
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