FitPro Freedom Academy
Private group
330 members
Sign your next 30-50 fitness clients in 45 days or less!
Amanda - 140 clients in just 30 days
Ortal - 43 new clients in just 2 weeks!
And I personally have signed over 500 clients in 6 months!
Here's just some of what you get inside this group:
  • 💰 Your Next 30-50 Clients System - Without spending on ads (£1k value)
  • 💰 Community Cash - Generate a guaranteed 200+ leads per month (£2k value)
  • 💰 Jedi Sales Mastery - Make selling easy not sleazy (£500 value)
  • 💰 Content Ecosystem - Create content that converts into paying customers (£1k value)
  • 💰 FREE: 1-1 Business Consult - Get help and build your roadmap (This is not a sales call)
  • ⚡️ Mindset Mastery - Get more done in a day that you would in a week (£1k value)
  • ⚡️ Live workshops & Q&A's with the Founder - Pick the founders brain live (priceless)
Total Value: £6,000. Now For £0!
Everything you need to create predicable and reliable sales every month
And much more…
In other words... Everything you need to create time and financial freedom!
FitPro Freedom Academy
Sign your next 30-50 clients without being stuck in the DM trenches and getting on calls with tyre kickers
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