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Content Coaching Call is happening in 4 days
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Welcome to the FBU VIP Mentoring Program 🚨 PLEASE COMPLETE THESE THREE STEPS NOW. 🚨 It will cover your next steps, how to get help, how to use the program, where to access everything, and how to get the very best results possible STEP 1: Watch the Introduction Modules now. It will cover your next steps, how to get help, how to use the program and how to access everything STEP 2: After you've watched these videos, add an introductory post in the Community tab. Introduce yourself and share your biggest challenge, bottleneck, or problem preventing you from scaling your business so we can help you overcome it as soon as possible! STEP 3: Consume the classroom content based on where you are on the RoadMap, take action, ask questions, and share wins! P.S. One of our team members will be reaching out to you privately to welcome you to the community!
New comment 4d ago
Hey all, I'm Luke. I'm very excited to be here and super keen to soak up as much knowledge as I can on how to run a successful coaching business! I've recently decided to take the plunge to go all in on online coaching after helping a few friends out over recent months and getting some awesome results. The fulfilment I got from making such a positive impact made me realise what I wanted to do for a living after being a little lost once I left my career in the Armed Forces. I have always had a passion for training as it's something I've been doing since the days I left school, especially with having such a physical and demanding role in the Armed Forces for most of my adult life. I would say I've had a fairly successful start, I officially launched my coaching business at the beginning of June 2024 so only just over 1 month ago and I've already got 15-20 paying clients in the business! This is hugely down to the social proof and word of mouth I got from the results I achieved in the background with a handful of close friends that I mentioned above. Once I joined this program I realised how shambolic my social media set up actually is 😂😂 My biggest struggle right now I would say is Marketing, putting my niche into words and how to optimise my social media platforms. So any help at all with the above-mentioned would be awesome 🙏
Content call for tomorrow
Can we put a link for the content coaching call tomorrow please so we can add our social media accounts for review? My insta account is @lukelawrencecoaching @Stephen McGrath
New comment 4d ago
Ali T in da house
morning guys, ima Alex, signed up last week hoping this can help get my coaching more off the ground. mainly looking for marketing help to bring in more leads. on socials as alex_187_thomas if anyone is interested cheers for any advice in advance guys
Content Call Submissions 18/6/24
Please comment below with your social media account for a social media review or links to any individual posts you would like feedback on
New comment 8d ago
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