FIT Church Unlimited
Private group
38 members
$25 /month
Once you join, you immediately gain access to:
✅ Free Start-up Call with a coach
✅ Kingdom Fit Blueprint course (strategy)
✅ Biblical Nutrition Mastery course (clarity)
✅ Workout Programs for EVERY fitness level (results)
✅ LIVE Coaching Calls with Coach Matt and Aaron (guidance)
✅ Exclusive Training from Health Experts (education)
✅ Daily Access to Professional Advice on your Journey (confidence)
✅ Game Changing Guides & Printable Resources (simplicity)
✅ 30 NEW Recipes to try EVERY MONTH
✅ The F.I.T For Heaven Program (Usually $79)
✅ Devotionals and Biblical Motivation
✅ A Supportive Christian Community (Accountability)
✅ Challenges with Giveaways (Fun)
Total Value: $2000-$3400
😎 You Pay: Only $30/month or $249 One-Time (First 100 Only $25/month!!!)
(10% supports the spread of the gospel through the International Mission Board)
➡️ Shortly after you join, we’ll reach out to schedule your start up call & help you get the most out of your membership right away!
FIT Church Unlimited
Where Christians who are getting in shape for the glory of God grow to become givers of the gifts they gain in this online gathering.
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