Made a Sale + Social Media Feedback
Made my second sale today! Got on a call with a warm lead from my only other client and put them through the test. We only had 30 minutes rather than a full hour and when we got to the reasons they'd want to do it, they essentially brought up why they need to do it, what would happen if they didn't, and got right to asking about the program. I asked if it was right for them and they addressed their concerns. Following the training, I addressed those concerns being the methods of training (Martial Arts, Calisthenics, Yoga, and Meditation to achieve the goals), the pricing ($199/month), and how we do it (online live training and a video library of existing content). They were ready and signed right up!
I'd love to get some feedback on the latest social media posts we put up with a call to action:
This uses video from our martial arts seminar this past weekend with an added call to action at the end.
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Victor Almeida
Made a Sale + Social Media Feedback
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