Fit Mind Fit Bod Academy
Private group
8 members
$89 /month
Here We train a Fit Mind to keep a Fit Bod. Get my fitness app for FREE by being a member!
PRICE INCREASES SOON - Join Now & Lock In Your Price of $89/month
BI-WEEKLY CALLS - Hosted by Mario Dominguez
3 steps to build a Fit Mind & Fit Bod:
• Step 1: Master Your Training and Diet - Tailored training/diet by Mario ($499 value)
• Step 2: Achieve higher levels of emotional intelligence - Mario's EQ method 2.0 is a new & proven system to help you unlock new levels of EQ to feel confident about yourself from the inside out ($2000 value)
• Step 3: Triple threat accountability - partner accountability, self-accountability, & community accountability are given to you in your journey so you maximize results to manifest your goals & desires ($1997 value)
24/7 access to me & a group of ambitious men on the same journey as you!
Total value: $4,496
but instead, you pay me about 1% of that. Join now.
Build a Fit Mind and a Fit Bod for LIFE. Start now!
Lock In Your Price of $89/month ~ PRICE WILL GO UP
Fit Mind Fit Bod Academy
A community for men where you will get mentally and physically strong AF and normalize uncomfortable topics with a safe space to grow as men.
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