Fit Fusion Brotherhood
Private group
41 members
We help men drop inches from their stomach and add inches to their arms while eating like a king, using our Fit Fusion Brotherhood Community.
Our program has 3 distinct phases to help men get in the best shape of their lives:
Phase 1: Stomach Shred -- This program is specifically designed to shed the excess body fat, so men can start to see their abs pop.
Phase 2: Arm Assault -- Once the body fat has dropped to a lean level, men graduate to the arm assault program. This program is designed to pack muscle on the arms, and entire body.
Phase 3: Physique Recomposition -- Now that the arms are filling out their sleeves, it's time to put all the pieces together. We combine fat loss and muscle building principles so that men can have sleeve-filling arms AND an Adonis-looking waistline.
Our program uses the benefits of careful program design, effective and flexible nutrition options, and a community of men who all want to look and feel their best. Led by coaches (and brothers) Sean & Rich Bykerk.
Fit Fusion Brotherhood
We help men lose inches off their stomach and increase inches on their arms while eating like a king.
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