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Daily Declarations 😃🙏🏽😃
Today’s Declaration for the 🎉🎉🎉 Fervent Prayer Church Community: I declare that I am walking in God’s divine purpose for my life. I am blessed, favored, and equipped with everything I need to fulfill my destiny. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every obstacle is being removed in the name of Jesus. I speak peace, health, and prosperity over my life and my family. Today, I walk in faith, expecting miracles, breakthroughs, and God’s abundant grace in every area of my life.” In Jesus name, Amen 🙏🏽☀️🙏🏽☀️
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Daily Declarations 😃🙏🏽😃
Daily Declaration Wednesday
Today, I declare that I am blessed, highly favored, and walking in the fullness of God’s purpose for my life. I embrace the peace that surpasses all understanding, knowing that God is guiding my steps. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, for I am protected and covered by the blood of Jesus. I am strong, bold, and full of faith, trusting that all things are working together for my good. Today, I walk in love, speak life, and bring glory to God’s name in everything I do. I am victorious, empowered, and equipped to fulfill the destiny God has set before me. In Jesus name, Amen 🙏🏽
New comment 20h ago
Daily Declaration Wednesday
Wednesday Mid-week Fuel ⛽️ @ 7pm
Is your tank getting empty? Join us for a time of spiritual refueling at our Mid-week Lesson! Everyone is welcome to attend in person or online. Don’t miss this powerful session as Elder Sean Foster teaches on the importance of Serving. Links: Facebook : YouTube
New comment 21h ago
Wednesday Mid-week Fuel ⛽️ @ 7pm
Praising the LORD
Thank you LORD God for the grace of abundant life in Christ Jesus. I will bless Your name , LORD at all times. Glory Hallelujah Amen.
New comment 1d ago
Daily Declaration 😄
Daily Declaration for Fervent Prayer Church Community Today, I declare that I am walking in the fullness of God’s purpose for my life. His favor surrounds me like a shield, and His peace guards my heart and mind. I am strengthened by His Word and empowered by His Spirit to overcome every challenge and embrace every blessing. I declare that I am a vessel of God’s love and power, bringing light to every situation. My prayers are powerful and effective, and I stand in faith, believing for breakthrough, healing, and deliverance in every area of my life and in the lives of those I am called to serve. I am blessed to be a blessing, and today I walk in victory, joy, and confidence, knowing that God is with me and for me. In Jesus’ name, amen! 😄🙏🏽😄🙏🏽
New comment 2d ago
Daily Declaration 😄
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