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BREAKING: OpenAI Announces O1
Article: Insights from O1: Performance suggests that AI could soon excel in highly specialized and advanced fields. Results underscore AI's potential to assist in complex academic and professional tasks. Enhanced accuracy could revolutionize educational tools and methods Highlights the rapid progress in developing more intelligent and capable AI systems.
New comment 19h ago
BREAKING: OpenAI Announces O1
Work In Progress: 100% Automated Faceless Video
Flow: Add article or script to your database AI writes scenes and prompts for images Passes to Flux for image gen AI writes video prompts based on image in scene Luma for video (next step)
New comment 13d ago
Work In Progress: 100% Automated Faceless Video
Character Consistency with MidJourney and Flux
Had a great question come up from @Solomon Hindel about creating consistent characters. Response is probably helpful for all! IMO Midjourney is still far and away the best tool for this. You can do both consistency in style and character. —sref is the style consistency command —cref is the character consistency command. Here’s a quick example of a cref I did. More info here. Your other option is to use something like flux and fine tune a LoRA on your character. This is what I did to train flux on my face. Instructions To train a Flux LoRA model on yourself using Replicate, follow these steps: 1. Prepare your training images: - Gather 10-20 high-quality images of yourself[3]. - Ensure the images show your face clearly with some variety in expressions and angles[3]. - Name your image files using the format: "photo_of_[trigger_word]_[number].jpg" (e.g., "photo_of_john_1.jpg")[4]. - Compress all images into a single ZIP file[4]. 2. Set up the training process on Replicate: - Go to[3][5]. - For the "destination" input, choose an existing model or create a new one[3]. - For "input_images", upload your ZIP file containing the training images[3]. - Set your "trigger_word" (e.g., "john")[3]. - Leave "steps" at the default 1000[3]. - Keep other inputs at their default values[3]. 3. Start the training: - Click "Create training" to begin the process[3]. - The training will take approximately 20 minutes for 10 images and 1000 steps[3]. 4. Use your trained model: - Once training is complete, your model will be ready to use[3]. - You can generate images directly on Replicate's web interface or use the API[3]. - When creating prompts, include your trigger word to activate your trained concept[3].
New comment 13d ago
Character Consistency with MidJourney and Flux
Automated X and LinkedIn Replies in YOUR Tone of Voice
We can cover this on tomorrow's call as an extension of our chat last week. Here's how you can do it today for X 1. Download your data file from X to get all your tweets. 2. Run through the tone of voice modules (will add to classroom) 3. Install the chrome extension (I built with AI) 4. Run the make webhook module (will add to classroom) 5. Click add comment 6. Choose your comment 7. Bathe in Confetti
New comment 14d ago
Has anyone used Venice and understand what makes it decentralized? How does it get funding? How does it stay competitive with OpenAI since that's the current yard stick?
New comment 23d ago
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