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If you haven't read Dune...
Go read it, it's so good. Reading through Dune Messiah now.
New comment Jun 6
101 Essays to Change the Way You Think Brianna Wiest
Currently reading through this book that was recommended to me by a friend. "Losers wait to feel motivated... Motivation and inspiration are not sustaining forces... You must learn to work without them, to gather your strength from purpose, not passion."
New comment May 24
The Three Body Problem
Been reading through the second book in this series recently as my pleasure reading. Sooooo good. It's weird that the book just has sections and not formal chapters. I kinda like it kinda hate it.
Real Estate Books
Rich Dad Poor Dad is the most basic recommendation, Robert Kiyosaki. It's a decent read but doesn't really give any meaningful real estate advice, it's more generic personal finance/business advice. Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill. I recommend starting with this or The Richest Man in Babylon, George Clason.
Letters to a Young Poet
Each letter(chapter) in this book is no longer than 10 pages. Some are only 2-3 pages. But I haven’t been able to bring myself to read past the third letter. I just keep rereading the first 3. I could read this book in a day, it’s only 70 pages. But the depth this guy describes life in seems so beyond my current capacity I don’t want to do his writing an injustice by not letting his words simmer. Here’s one quote that I highlighted in his third letter. “Allow your judgements their own silent, undisturbed development, which, like all progress, must come from deep within and cannot be forced or hastened. Everything is gestation and then birthing. To let each impression and each embryo of a feeling come to completion, entirely in itself, in the dark, in the unsayable, the unconscious, beyond the reach of one’s own understanding, and with deep humility and patience to wait for the hour when a new clarity is born”
New comment May 7
Letters to a Young Poet
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