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Share a quote from one of your favorite books!
“Afraid no more and in the pursuit of a new mystery, I committed to the commitment, and for the first time in my life felt I could tumble and not fall. No longer chasin butterflies, Camila and I planted our garden so they could come to us.” -Matthew McConaughey After dating my girlfriend for almost 4 years now, we finally have the opportunity to have our own place together — I couldn’t be more excited after everything we’ve been through. Oh.. and I may be proposing this summer ;) stay tuned
New comment Jun 9
Introduce yourself! (Start here 🔥 )
Hi! Welcome to the Finity skool community! This community helps with personal and professional development. Step 1: Introduce yourself below (✂️ copy/paste template 👇) Where are you from? What are you reading? What's the most important thing you've learned in the past year? Step 1: Discover how to unlock all the resources The number of books you read in a year is only a vanity metric. How many books have you read this year? Best Practices: - Level up by posting insights and thoughtful comments ⬆️ - Help others level up by liking good posts and comments 👍 - Be kind - Ask questions if you need help
4 members have voted
New comment Jun 6
Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
The first crash course is up! Go to the Classroom tab at the top to take a quick read through this book on negotiation. Comment here what I should add / how I can improve the next one. Thanks!
Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
Community Rules and Guidelines are posted!
Go check out the Start Here video in the Classroom tab to see how this community is going to be structured. What other rules should be added to the list? What other discussion groups should be added?
Community Rules and Guidelines are posted!
I wish there were more hours in the day...
I picked up Millionaire Real Estate Investor by Gary Keller this morning. It'd been sitting on the shelf since I'd left for my travels nearly 2 months ago, waiting patiently to be finished. I'd only gotten about halfway before I'd set it down. There are so many books sitting patiently, half-read on my shelf above the bed. I just wish I had more time to sit and read them. I suppose I have to make that time.
New comment May 9
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