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The 10 steps to manifesting your dreams.
Who wants me to share the " secrets " to manifesting your dreams. This is a 10 step formula, it is simple and easy and you can apply it into your daily life. There are other formulas, which has 16 steps, or 25 steps or 33 steps. This one has only 10 steps. This information were shared amongst people in secret societies and from the Elite Class. For the first time in history, people in various secret socities are releasing this information to the general topic. There is a video presentation about the 10steps if you want to watch it. Just comment and let me know, I shall share it with you. By the way, I am a member of a secret society, that why I have access to this information. And, I am sharing it with everyone in this community for FREE. This will be worthwhile and will help you achieved your dreams, goals, desires and objectives; a lot quicker. Much Love 😍
New comment 3d ago
If you just JOIN.
All content will be upload in 2 weeks. Look out for it, there is something for everyone.
New comment 2d ago
To all " New " Members.
Post an introduce about yourself or introduce yourself to the community and welcome others. Tell us why you join? What your hobbies or favourite drink is etc ? Any tell us, what topic you want to discuss about in the group. And most importantly, makes friends.
New comment 2d ago
Affirmation - 101.
" I am surrounded by opportunities to grow and thrive. " by innertune (app). Affirmation will be update daily. Or, want better resource, on ways to used Affirmation or listen to Affirmation on different areas of your Life. The best resource, why I have found all over the internet is this one. One of my favourite (app) which I used to help me on reaching and fulfilling my purpose is: Are you ready for this? (And, it's free) Is: the [app] innertune. Check it out for yourself, and come back here, in half and hour, and tell me, what you think.
New comment 6h ago
The Science of Getting Rich - by Wallace Wattles.
Do you like the title of this post and also potential free-gift to you? The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles that have been kept a secret from various secret society. Please review a 5mintues clip, where the author, read exert [small portion] of the book. And, if the 5 minute clip, interest you? And you want a free copy of the book in an e-book format downloadable to your phone. Contact me, or let me know. I will try and look for the download version and see if I got access to it still. It's been a long time ago, so I don't actually know, where it is. I might have loss the downloadable version. I don't know, but this book, is also an Amazing book, that has changed my life. View the 5minutes or just parts of the book now.
New comment 19h ago
The Science of Getting Rich - by Wallace Wattles.
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This group is for people whom wants to: Find "more" meaning and purpose in their Life & to manifest their Dreams, Goals or Desires; easier, quicker.
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