Your Name
Level 0
5points to level up
Level 1 - Production Assistant
0% of members
Level 2 - Associate Producer
0% of members
Level 3 - 2nd A/C
Unlock "Step By Step Guide to Launching Your Documentary" 100% of members
Level 4 - 1st A/C
0% of members
Level 5 - Editor
Unlock "Work Analysis" 0% of members
Level 6 - DP
Unlock "1 on 1 call with Lina" 0% of members
Level 7 - Director
Unlock "Shadow Lina on a job" 0% of members
Level 8 - Festival Winner
0% of members
Level 9 - Executive Producer
Unlock "Work with Lina 1 on 1 for 8 weeks" 0% of members
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Leaderboard (all-time)
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