Chat GPT Amazon FBA & Ecommerce Agents
Chat GPT Amazon FBA & Ecommerce Agents
Have a nice day, guys! 😊
A few months ago, I embarked on a mission to create specific GPT agents. These agents are equipped with specialized knowledge in various aspects of Amazon FBA and online trading, making them more helpful than a general chat. 📚
Each GPT is designed with expertise in a particular sub-area of Amazon FBA or ecommerce, and they are continuously being updated and expanded. Feel free to share them with anyone who might find them useful! 🤝
Here are the different GPTs I've created so far:
1. Amazon Mentor
For general inquiries about Amazon FBA:
2. Amazon FBA SOPs
This agent assists with daily online trading tasks and helps delegate tasks to employees:
3. Amazon Product Search
Use this agent to find specific products or niches, or to calculate the Total Addressable Market (TAM) of a product. You can also upload CSV files or images:
4. Amazon PPC
Need help setting up and optimizing your campaigns? This agent is for you:
Have fun with these tools! 😊
Please let me know if there’s anything missing—I’m planning to build many more agents.
Here’s to full mutual support! 💪😊
Hakan Kocdemir
Chat GPT Amazon FBA & Ecommerce Agents
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