Introduce yourself to other like-minded People in the Family!
PRO TIP (copy and paste this to make your own post and level up in the community)
  • Favorite Food...?
  • What’s Your IG…?
  • Biggest Strength…?
  • Biggest Weakness…?
  • Where Are You From...?
  • What's Your Favorite Color....?
  • Have You Ever Made Money Online....?
  • How Do You Plan to Provide & Receive Value here...?
  • Do You Prefer Being on Camera or Behind The Scenes...?
  • What do you do?
  • What's your goal inside this community?
  • What triggered you to sign up? (Was it from a friend, skool, email, IG post, in-person Conversation & or YouTube video?)
Attach a photo of your Desk Setup!
PRO TIP ( Make it as a separate post so everyone sees it, not as a comment under this post, or dont that's cool too )
I’ll go First!
  • Favorite Food...? donuts
  • What’s Your IG…? @NateThaPhilosopher
  • Biggest Strength…? self awareness
  • Biggest Weakness…? confidence
  • Where Are You From...? los Angeles , SGV/IE area
  • What's Your Favorite Color....? neon blue
  • Have You Ever Made Money Online....? yes in the tens of thousands over the past two years
  • How Do You Plan to Provide & Receive Value here...? interacting and spending tons of time learning and practicing what I'm learning to then come and share more for you guys here
  • Do You Prefer Being on Camera or Behind The Scenes...? i prefer behind the scenes always have always will but I could be the star if you needed me to be hahah
  • What do you do?
entrepreneur, insurance/finnace , snkr reselling , content creation for businesses/creators , assistant
  • What's your goal inside this community?
provide access to the structured non biased macro perspective type information I wish I had coming up in this space and a place for people to come together and feel herd
  • What triggered you to sign up? (Was it from a friend, skool, email, IG post, in-person Conversation & or YouTube video?) I found skool and other amazing communities like this one (shameless plug lol) thru a mentor I met while traveling in AZ for a convention shout out my guy Tilla.
Attach a photo of your Desk Setup!
PRO TIP ( Make it as a separate post so everyone sees it, not as a comment under this post, feel free to leave feed back or support/questions on this post! or dont that's cool too lol )
Nathen Morales
FamilyTies Enterprise
How to Make Dope Content That Converts.....
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