Workshop with 30 attendees
Hey everyone. I am running design sprints for many years already. Last month I was asked to run a design sprint for a bank, to help them figure our how to rebuild their infrastructure after a cyber attack. It's been very successful, although not a design sprint per se. I used exercises and the "mindset" of a Design Sprint (timeboxing, working alone together, no devices, ...).
Now I have been asked to run another workshop like this, with 30 people. Now I'd be very grateful to hear your recommendations on how to handle 30 people well. In the end, everyone needs to be discussing together, but I know that a discussion with 30 people at the same time is not going to work. Any good insights you could share with me? I am happy to share my learnings from these cybersecurity-workshops as well. Thank you in advance 😄
Manuela Hug
Workshop with 30 attendees
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