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37 contributions to Facilitator Club
Ideas for experiential exercise to open a facilitated conversation about an adaptive challenge?
Hello FC allstars! 👋 I am facilitating a 2 hour convo with 30 folks exploring the impact of the digital divide: "the gap between those who have access to technology, the internet and digital literacy training and those who do not." My instinct is to open with some sort of experience/exercise/simulation (20-30 min total) to help the group experience the frustration/limits 😖 that those without access may experience navigating our digital world. The goal is to raise awareness of, and help participants emotionally connect to the issue. What comes to mind 💡is handing out cards when they come in that outline resources they have access to, and then giving everyone a timed task to complete, with rewards (surfacing the difficulty those without access could experience) Or perhaps setting small groups on a task together and then mid way through taking away a critical tool / blocking their ability to use something they take for granted... Then ending with a debrief -I suppose it doesn't even have to be tech related if I could connect the experience of frustration/limit to the topic afterward - My questions is: Has anyone done a paradigm shifting/awareness raising exercise like this? I'd like to make it as dynamic as possible but my brain 🧠 is coming up short. Any examples used with different topics are welcome 🙏 Just trying to spark my own aha so I can create the conditions for the same surprise/gestalt shift in awareness 🤯 for the group. :) Thanks in advance for any suggestions/examples you can share or point me toward.
New comment 6d ago
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Exercise: Travel planning Objective: Highlight disparities in access and the resulting frustration. Materials: Cards or slips of paper with different levels of resources (high, medium, low access to technology and internet). Instructions: 1. As participants enter, hand them a card outlining their group name (resource level). 2. Give everyone a timed task to complete a travel planning (e.g., finding filghts, hotel, places to see and doo). Detailed instructions about the budget and limitation) are saved in Google Docs. 3. Those with high access get laptops/tablets, a printer, and fast internet. Medium access participants get older devices and slower or intermittent internet access (5 min online). Low access participants get no devices and must rely on asking others for help (initial instructions, reservation printing, etc). 4. After the task, debrief and discuss the feelings of frustration, helplessness, or advantage using a quick Rose/Thorn/Bud exercise or similar. --- Hope it helps.
Customized IP/Non Compete/What to consider when moving in-house? after freelance?
Hey there! 👋 I have a hypothetical question re: someone who has been freelancing as a self employed facilitator/coach who is considering a full time role in-house with an organization that develops and provides leadership training/facilitation. Here's the hypo: If they take the full time role, and then decide to go back out on their own at some future point, could that limit/hinder their ability to use any programs/IP they developed while employed? OR to serve any clients who come to them after leaving a full time role? My contact "doesn't know what they don't know" re: IP and non competes, and has no legal/contract expertise in this scenario but wants to make sure they don't inadvertently put themselves in a position they regret due to not fleshing out a clear/fair contract. What recommendations/resources/cautions do you have for them to consider regarding entering a contract/agreement with the full time role? Is there anything you'd flag? Alternatively, are there industry standards you know of that would support a fair/mutually beneficial agreement for both parties in this instance? Thanks in advance for any items you'd urge one to consider, or resources to explore.
New comment 6d ago
1 like • 6d
You probably need professional help with this contract i.e. a lawyer specializing in employment contracts. Some law schools have a program in which their students provide affordable legal advice under supervision. Identify and list any pre-existing IP before starting the job and ensure these are excluded from the employment agreement. Non-compete have a very short time span. Materials they created are copyrighted.
How to get started without facilitation experince?
Hi everyone, perhaps a silly question, but there might be others with the same problem 😅 I just finished the Fundamentals course and facilitated a few workshops at my company (which I am planning to leave soon) but looking for a new job in facilitation is not that easy because they are usually looking for some experience in a candidate. I’ve been working in sales combined with learning & development for quite some time now, but switching to IT environments and scrum/agile need for facilitators requires quite a bit more than fundamentals course. What would be your advice to take next steps in order to switch my career successfully? Thank you so much for any tips and tricks :) Books, courses, jobs description - anything 🤩 Btw, I am from the Netherlands, if there’s anyone else from Dutchland and willing to get in touch I’d be happy to chat. Hope it’s not against the rules ☺️🍀💫🙌
New comment 6d ago
1 like • 7d
1. Practice as much as you can. 2. Record your session on Zoom, Butter or OBS and reflect on your energy, voice, tempo, visuals, content, etc. 3. Offer free facilitation for a non profit organization. Ask them for constructive feedback. 4. If things go well ask them for a reference, testimonial and referrals. Practice makes it perfect!
0 likes • 6d
@Marianne Noiman Good luck!
Payment of workshops / projects > in advance or afterwards? 👀
Dear all, I would like to hear and collect your thoughts about the payment of your services. I'm located in Munich, and in these days I have to pay most of my products and services in advance. However, when it comes to workshops and sometimes coaching sessions, it is common to invoice the client after the workshop. What is your common way? I'm curious to hear your opinion and ways of doing. @Rebecca Courtney @Jonathan Courtney How do you handle it at Aj & Smart?
26 members have voted
New comment 8d ago
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I guess it depends on your finances, type of client, and coutry you are working from. I use a hybrid model where a deposit is paid upfront to secure the booking, and the balance is invoiced after the workshop.
1 like • 8d
And do change for prep and design. Value your time!
I am now a certified trainer for LEGO® Serious Play® method through The LSP Method
As some of you know, I headed back to Vietnam in March for a few months. One of my projects was to bring in a master trainer for LSP to train some educators/facilitators locally in the method as it is so impactful. As I was beginning to ramp up the local promotion/introductory sessions, my local partner dropped out (I found another one), and I was nudged to become certified as a trainer myself as I have some experience in using it. So, I did. In early June I co-ran three cohorts of training and certification in Vietnam. Had great time with some amazing facilitators (these are among the top in Vietnam). Now I'm planning training here in Vancouver as well as back in Vietnam. It is a great tool for facilitators to have in their tool kit Video below showing a bit of this in action. If anyone would like to organize/host training in their location and can get at least three or four others for the training as well, reach out to me and let's talk.
New comment 16h ago
I am now a certified trainer for LEGO® Serious Play® method through The LSP Method
1 like • 8d
Looking forward to it!
1-10 of 37
Gordana Rauski
87points to level up
Facilitator. Educator. Design Thinker.

Active 4d ago
Joined Mar 21, 2023
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