Workplace free of racism and fascism
Over the past few weeks, I have been involved in several workshops on creating an inclusive and equitable workplace, as fascism is on the rise in our societies.
Racism, both overt and subtle, can create a hostile environment and hinder productivity. As facilitators, we can play a key role in encouraging open dialogue and guiding organisations towards positive change.
Here's my guide to help you facilitate on inclusivity and racism in the workplace :
1 Opening : acknowledge the discomfort that racism can cause and the importance of creating a safe space for open dialogue
Establish ground rules for respectful communication, such as active listening and avoiding interruptions.
2 Understanding racism by defining racism : Facilitate a discussion on the definition of racism, including systemic and individual forms
Microaggressions : explore the concept of microaggressions and their impact in the workplace.
Sharing experiences : encourage participants to share personal or witnessed experiences of racism (optional), but provide a safe space for those who do not wish to share.
3 The individual and organisational impact of racism
Individual Impact : discuss the emotional and professional toll that racism takes on employees of colour.
Organisational Impact : explore how racism hinders corporate culture, innovation and employee retention.
4 Building an anti-racist workplace with actionable strategies and accountability measures
Brainstorm specific actions to create a more inclusive environment, including unconscious bias training, diversifying hiring practices, and establishing a clear reporting process for racist incidents.
Discuss how to hold organisations and individuals accountable for creating a safe and inclusive workplace.
5 Moving forward
Resource sharing : provide participants with resources such as anti-racist training materials, diversity and inclusion toolkits, and support groups.
Commitment to action : encourage participants to create personal action plans to combat racism in their work environment.
Closing : Thank participants for their participation and reaffirm the organisation's commitment to building a more inclusive workplace.
Invite diverse voices : include a diverse panel of speakers or facilitators to address intersectionality and lived experiences.
Active participation : use techniques such as small group discussions, role-plays and case studies to encourage active participation.
Acknowledge emotions : be prepared to address emotional reactions and provide support resources.
Schedule a follow-up session to discuss progress and address new challenges.
Let me know if it helps and how you deal with racism in the place of work 🤙🏼
Salah Bouchma
Workplace free of racism and fascism
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