Offering fully bilingual workshops
Hi folks!
This community was so helpful with another question I had that I’m putting another big question to the Facilitator Club universe 🌈
I’m looking at offering two fully bilingual (English/French) workshops and I’m wondering how I would actually do that…🫣 My co-facilitator and I are bilingual but the content will be primarily facilitated in English. We would be able to take answers and invite participation in both languages. I’m also anticipating creating bilingual resources for participants. Any chat instructions would also be in both languages. I’m planning breakout rooms separated by participants’ language of preference.
What else could I do to make it inclusive and accessible for participants who don’t speak any English at all?
Are there online tools or features that could help with this type of workshop? Any facilitation tips?
If anyone has experience with facilitating workshops like this, I’d love to chat more.
Thank you kindly!!
Erika Munoz
Offering fully bilingual workshops
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