English vs. German – how do you approach localization?
Hej Workshoppers!
I have been and still are battling with this question and would like to tap into the collective experience and intelligence of you.
My innovation studio is officially based in Germany. My offer is running a very specific workshop, namely the AI Design Sprint™. My mission behind that: enable non-tech decision-makers to uncover valuable AI potentials & co-create meaningful AI solution concepts for their unique business context.
My target audience is located in the DACH (Germany, Austria, Suisse) region which is mainly a german speaking market 🇩🇪. The intuitive thing to do would be to also have german as my main language for everything I do and publish.
But currently I am using English as my default language 🇺🇸🇬🇧. LinkedIn, website, marketing material, ... I deliberately made this decision to be able to also reach people beyond this german speaking market and to be able to scale at some point.
Am I loosing prospects in my current target market because they might not understand English well enough?
Maybe you've had the same question and already answered it for you. It would be awesome to hear some of your experiences and thoughts on this. 🙏
Jörg Winterhoff
English vs. German – how do you approach localization?
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