Who Needs a Top Voice Badge?
We would love to start accountability to get you a top voice badge.
You can find the collaberiative articles at www.linkedin.com/advice
Step 1: Pick a caegory.. For example SALES PROSPECTING.
Step 2: Save the link in your bookmarks so you can focus on the SAME LINK DAILY.
NOTE: You dont want to change categories each day as you will not get a badge if you do that.
Step 3: Use evyAI to leave at least three contributions to collaberative articles they do not have to be in the same article but they DO have to be in the same category.
Make sure to share the links to the three comments in a comment on this post so we can like them.
Step 4: Do this daily for 2 weeks and watch your badge appear.
This was something that 100% of our clients who tried this got their badge if they were elidgable for contributing to collaberative articles.
You in?
Joe Apfelbaum
Who Needs a Top Voice Badge?
AI for LinkedIn - evyAI.com
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