What are the different types of posts on LinkedIn?
In today's digital age, π₯𝐒𝐧𝐀𝐞𝐝𝐒𝐧 has become an invaluable platform for professionals to connect, share ideas, and grow their networks. But with so many users vying for attention, how can you ensure your posts stand out? This comprehensive guide will walk you through 19 different types of posts you can create on LinkedIn to engage your audience and boost your professional presence.
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1. The Plain Text Post
Sometimes, simplicity is key. Plain text posts can be surprisingly effective on LinkedIn. Here's how to structure them:
  • Start with a strong hook to grab attention
  • Follow with valuable content to keep readers engaged
  • End with a clear call-to-action
Remember, the key is to share a story or valuable idea that resonates with your audience.
2. The Video Interview Post
Interviews are a great way to provide value to your audience while also expanding your network. Consider:
  • Interviewing experts in your field
  • Being interviewed by others in your network
  • Repurposing podcast or webinar interviews as LinkedIn content
This type of content showcases your connections and provides insightful information to your followers.
3. The LinkedIn Poll Post
LinkedIn has been promoting polls heavily, making them an excellent way to boost engagement. When creating a poll:
  • Make it engaging and entertaining
  • Ensure the results will provide value to you or your audience
  • Use the same format as text posts: hook, meat, and call-to-action
Polls can help you identify potential leads and referral partners while increasing your visibility on the platform.
4. The Weekend Inspiration Image Post
Don't neglect LinkedIn on weekends! Share posts that match the weekend vibe:
  • Post images of your favorite relaxation spots
  • Share weekend activities that showcase work-life balance
  • Ask your audience about their weekend routines
These posts help you connect with your audience on a more personal level.
5. The Screencast Video Tip Post
Showcase your expertise by sharing practical tips through screencast videos:
  • Demonstrate how to use specific tools or software
  • Share mini-tutorials on topics relevant to your industry
  • Use tools like Screencast-O-Matic or Snagit to create your videos
This type of post is especially useful for those who prefer not to appear on camera but still want to share valuable content.
6. The Selfie with a LinkedIn Connection Image Post
Nothing beats the personal touch of a selfie with a connection:
  • Take selfies when meeting LinkedIn connections in person
  • Share the story behind the meeting
  • Tag the person in your post to increase reach
These posts help humanize your professional relationships and showcase your networking efforts.
7. The Text-Only Question or Request for Help Post
Engage your audience by asking for their input:
  • Post thoughtful questions related to your industry
  • Ask for recommendations or advice
  • Use this as a community-building strategy
This type of post keeps you top-of-mind and at the center of conversations in your network.
8. The Screenshot of a LinkedIn Recommendation Post
Showcase your professional achievements by sharing recommendations:
  • Screenshot particularly glowing recommendations
  • Share the context of the recommendation
  • Express gratitude to the person who wrote it
This helps build credibility and showcases your professional relationships.
9. The Image of a Popular Quote Post
Inspirational quotes can be powerful on LinkedIn:
  • Share quotes that have inspired you professionally
  • Create branded quote images using tools like Canva
  • Include your own thoughts on why the quote resonates with you
Quotes can spark thoughtful discussions and showcase your values and mindset.
10. The Book Feature Image Post
Share your reading list with your network:
  • Post images of books that have influenced your career
  • Briefly explain why you recommend the book
  • Ask your audience for their book recommendations
This type of post positions you as a continuous learner and can lead to interesting discussions.
11. The Infographic Image Post
Infographics are a great way to share complex information in a digestible format:
  • Share relevant infographics from reputable sources
  • Create your own infographics on industry-specific topics
  • Always credit the original source if sharing someone else's work
Infographics can help establish you as a knowledgeable resource in your field.
12. The Screenshot of a Zoom Meeting Post
With the rise of remote work, Zoom screenshots have become increasingly popular:
  • Take screenshots of virtual events or meetings (with permission)
  • Highlight the diversity of your professional network
  • Share key takeaways from the meeting or event
These posts showcase your active participation in professional development and networking.
13. The Raw Spontaneous Video Post
Authenticity can be very engaging on LinkedIn:
  • Use your smartphone to record quick, unscripted videos
  • Share immediate thoughts or reactions to industry news
  • Keep it short, focused, and valuable
Raw videos can help your audience connect with you on a more personal level.
14. The Photo of Family or Hobby Post
Sharing glimpses of your personal life can make you more relatable:
  • Post photos of family events or personal hobbies
  • Share how these aspects of your life contribute to your professional success
  • Be mindful of privacy and maintain a professional tone
These posts help create a more rounded image of you as a professional.
15. The PDF Document Post
LinkedIn's algorithm favors PDF document shares:
  • Create and share valuable PDF resources
  • Upload speaker one-pagers or professional portfolios
  • Share industry reports or white papers
This type of post positions you as a valuable resource in your field.
16. The Animated GIF Post
GIFs can grab attention in a crowded feed:
  • Use relevant, professional GIFs to illustrate your points
  • Create custom GIFs to showcase your products or services
  • Keep the content appropriate for a professional platform
GIFs can add a touch of personality to your professional posts.
17. The Audiogram Video Post
Audiograms are a great way to repurpose audio content:
  • Turn podcast appearances into short, engaging videos
  • Create audiograms of your own tips or insights
  • Always include captions for accessibility
Audiograms combine the engagement of video with the convenience of audio content.
18. The Text-Only Creative Engagement Post
Sometimes, a simple text post can drive significant engagement:
  • Create posts that encourage likes, comments, or shares
  • Ask your audience to tag relevant connections
  • Experiment with different formats to see what resonates with your audience
These posts can help boost your visibility on the platform.
19. The Promote Your Services Image Post
While it's important not to over-promote, don't forget to showcase your services:
  • Dedicate 10-20% of your posts to promoting your business
  • Share the 'why' behind your products or services
  • Use a mix of stories, hooks, and clear value propositions
These posts ensure your network knows what you do and how you can help them.
The key to success on LinkedIn is consistency and variety. Mix and match these different post types to keep your content fresh and engaging. Remember, the goal is to provide value to your network while also staying top-of-mind. By regularly posting diverse, high-quality content, you'll build a strong professional presence on LinkedIn that can lead to new opportunities and connections.
Happy posting! Let me know which one you like best.
Joe Apfelbaum
What are the different types of posts on LinkedIn?
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