May 1 (edited) in Ideas
May 2024 Challenge! 30 Linkedin Messages
I want you to take the time to craft thirty strategic messages to send to thirty strategic linkedin connections.
This can be done over the course of one day, or this could be done over the course of one week or one month.
My recommendation to do it once a day. So that you get used to sending a daily direct message that is strategic.
In the comments let us know, are you in and what is your strategy? Who do you wanna send messages to and what will you send them?
Post about the challenge.
Commit publically and tell everyone you are doing this challenge in May.
Write out your strategy ans what success looks like for you.
When you are done, tell your connections you are Done and tell them what you experienced in detail.
Check in with us in this thread. Let us know how it's going and how we can support you.
If you missed the april challenge, go back and finish it... enjoy
Joe Apfelbaum
May 2024 Challenge! 30 Linkedin Messages
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