Does Training Improved from Revising evyAI Posts?
Maybe a REALLY dumb question, but I'm just wondering if all of the training is based on how you structure personas and pick categories in the software, OR if improvements of tone and writing style are gained from revisions you made to the post or comment before hitting the insert button.
Maybe a better question relates to how you are (or are not) helping to train GPT based on your decision to regenerate the post with new info or simply overwrite what it provides and hit the insert button.
Note: the reason I'm asking is because I just started the trial and have felt the need to switch between my chatGPT account and evyAI to come up with posts I'm satisfied with. My expectation is that won't be needed as evyAI is getting trained and improving over time.
I suppose I just want to know about the best ways to make that happen. Make sense?
Jason Cormier
Does Training Improved from Revising evyAI Posts?
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