Apr 21 (edited) in Ideas
April 5 day LinkedIn Posting Challenge
If you have not been consistently posting on linkedin. Take on a five day linkedin posting challenge.
That means that you will consistently post on linkedin for 5 days.
Each day you will Check-in with us right here in this post. Letting us know that you posted.
Please leave a comment and let me know that you are in for the 5 day challenge!.
If you need help writing the post, you can use evyai.com to help you create the post in seconds.
Let's support each other! You in for the 5 day challenge this April?
Here are the details:
Day one post a post telling everyone who you are what you post about.
Day two post something you are very grateful for and include a photo of yourself doing something you love.
Day three post about a mission you are on and why you chose that mission
Day four share an accomplishment that you achieved this year and why you are proud of it.
Day five mention 5 people in your Linkedin network that you are grateful for and how they add value to your life.
This 5 day challenge is a game changer to those that have not been posting consistently or need ideas about what to post about.
To make it easier for you you can write up all the posts in advance and schedule it.
Don't overthink it, just take action
You in?
Joe Apfelbaum
April 5 day LinkedIn Posting Challenge
AI for LinkedIn - evyAI.com
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