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The honesty policy
Is to remind yourself that you'll feel better after telling the truth, or to offer advice to someone facing a dilemma. Telling the truth is linked to better mental and physical health. It also improves your sense of authenticity, leadership abilities, and makes others trust you. Honesty is truthfulness. An honest person has the habit of making accurate, trustworthy statements about life, self, others and God.— In Exodus 20:16 the Bible says that honesty is the only policy. There we read. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.”. spiritually
New comment Jul 27
Early bird Catches The worm
starting something early can increase the chances of success. The phrase is based on the idea that birds that wake up first have the best chance of catching a meal because other birds haven't woken up yet to eat the worms. Similarly, people who arrive first are more likely to get what they want than those who arrive later. emphasizes the importance of starting something early to maximize the potential outcome
Nature's facts
A new study in the journal "Frontiers in Microbiology" says the core and stem contain the highest concentration of the good, gut health-promoting bacteria usually called probiotics. Those good bacteria, and each person has trillions of them in their gut, form what's called the microbiome.
Nature's facts for my people
Watermelon helps hydrate your muscles and watermelon seeds help grow muscle
First law of Growth
Whatever we put into the universe will come back to us
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