What a handful of mushrooms taught (reminded) me Yesterday..atleast what can be put into words
Yesterday I had what was probably my most self revealing experience on mushrooms
TRYING < BEING —- Trying what you see is to follow what others are doing, while being is authentically channeling your purpose of existence. You’re already who you’re meant to be, but it’s an unshedding of societally programming, constructs, etc we are “made in the image of God”
Meaning you are the essence of living light, slowed down into the physical manifestation of frozen light. Matter is the Dense Form of MIND.
It’s consciousness —> THEN physical reality
So the question begs…where is your mind? Are you here? Or looking out THERE
Let’s be honest, humans are a mess, there is always the next milestone, the next “mountain top” to work towards. But as infinite expressions of light, “shadow”work is a never ending process. We often think happiness is found once we achieve something, completely forgetting it’s the journey that’s the most important. Happiness is cultivated within, it’s not dependent on external circumstances.
Online you’ll see people propagate they’ve got everything figured out, relationships , Buisness, finance, fitness—esoteric grandiose enlightenment (lol) whatever it may be. There’s schisms of these archetypes—people telling you go this or that way, try to be like this try to be like that
There’s a constant emphasis in TRYING something rather than JUST AUTHENTICALLY BE—allowing the cosmic energy of the most high—Orgone chi prana aether to flow thru your vessel..our lives come in seasons, stages, chapters. And it’s vital for us to sit in retrospection, reflect, regulate ourselves to properly integrate these past experiences so we can move forward in knowledge, wisdom & understanding (self awareness) — events are all correlated there’s no coincidence , things coincide!
The mind is an interesting place—we can free ourselves to create / embrace new opportunities & experiences or we can create a prison through our limited beliefs or “comfortable patterns” - our worldview dictates what we believe is possible. The old adage of “Weather you think you can or can’t, you’re right” relates to one’s noetic Destiny —our thoughts are constantly permeating the aether so be mind-full of your self talk & how you speak to others…as a man thinks, so he is
True fulfillment is found in navigating those sacred spaces of our heart & mind, the areas we neglect manifest as potential friction in other areas of our lives.
When you leave the house today, ask yourself are you plugged into God/Source? Or are you allowing the external distractions of the world sever that connection to yourself
Embrace the journey of how far you’ve come. The only place to be is right here right now. Stay true to your prESSENCE & everything falls in place 🤞
Re-lax means to be lax is our natural state of existence—make sometime to regulate & unwind this weekend to fully express your authentic self
All knowledge returns to knowledge of self
All learning is remembering ⚖️
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Sebastian Martinel
What a handful of mushrooms taught (reminded) me Yesterday..atleast what can be put into words
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