The All Is Mind
The narratives you tell yourself shape the reality that you live in.
Your limitations are only your limitations because you’ve labeled them as such. Your height isn’t the problem. Your belief that your height is the problem is your problem.
The past isn’t holding you back, your belief the past is holding you back is holding you back. You only believe you need to heal becuse you’ve told yourself you’ve been wounded. Your belief in these things are far more detrimental than the things you believe are detrimental to you, are. It all starts in your mind
Good or bad you’ll find evidence to support whatever tale you’ve told yourself . Your exactly as disadvantaged as you believe yourself —whether you live in scarcity or abundance is entirely up to you and your self talk.
You can do everything you believe you can. and not a single thing you believe you can’t. The world you’re living is the world you’ve created, if you don’t like what you see, paint a different picture
Group call tonight @7:00 EST tap in
Sebastian Martinel
The All Is Mind
Esoteric Academy
For Those Seeking Truth Within
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