Don’t build Confidence, build Evidence!
Confidence is the result of evidence, confidence without evidence is an illusion. Don’t fake it before you make it, walk it before you talk it. Do it to get the confidence but don’t think you NEED the confidence to make it
Until you win effort always goes unnoticed but know everything you do behind closed doors always comes to light, let your results speak first.
-The world belongs to those who can keep doing without seeing the results of what they’re doing. You can be terrible at something the first hundred times you do it, but you shouldn’t be judging yourself over that. You should be judging to see if you’re better between the first time, to the 99th. Probably. The win is YOU, you are the asset you’re building, not the immediate results. Accept delayed gratification
When you want better for yourself you have to create better for yourself, willpower must outweigh the excuses.
🔒 Write a list of 3 non-negotiables you intend to follow in the comments, let’s hold eachother accountable—do them enough and you’ll have an issue NOT doing them 💎
Cultivate that level of self discipline, TODAY
Sebastian Martinel
Don’t build Confidence, build Evidence!
Esoteric Academy
For Those Seeking Truth Within
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