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Strategies Jordan Belfort Abused To Become The Greatest Salesman
I think this is definitely must watch for you in full if you want to become good at sales. here is bullets; 1. Decide that you want to become the best NOW TODAY. 2. Become Actually Obsessed About Sales; you need to love sales. 3. Master Mindset: Practice being really nice to people - Work on yourself daily, Fix your scarcity mindset, your Beliefs, Limiting Beliefs, and have rituals and habits for Maximizing Energy 4. Fundamentals: Understand Basics,1st Principles, and Beliefs your prospects need to have to buy 5. World Class Coaching & Training Sales IRL: - Master Subcommunication & Tonality - Master Introduction & Discovery Phase - Master Pitching & Closing - Master Objection Handling - Master Follow Up - Master Asking Skilled Questions - Master A/B Testing new strategies and tactics in calls 6. Conviction & How much do you believe in a product: Do you believe in what you sell? If you knew that bitcoin would go to 50k when it was 50 bucks, how would you sell to your friend the idea of buying bitcoin right now? 7. Genuine Care about your prospect / How much do you actually care about your prospect 8. Recording all your calls: Record all calls, review your calls, listen to how you can improve, ask your mentor how you can improve your calls, and let him do call reviewing too. 9. Don’t work with losers: Work with winners who are pros, not some average sales reps. You are who you hang out with 10. Accept that you suck and trust the process; no one is naturally the best salesman 11. Get out there and start taking action: Buy ONE Group Coaching program where there is a 1:1 Coach and where you get to actually train, Don’t Buy course. Actually, go out there and start selling because if you are learning and doing at the same time you will just master sales automatically 12. Talk to a lot of people daily; Remember that sales is a numbers game 13. Network and build your elites tribe of winners who you want to surround yourself with “You are who you hang out with.”
New comment Sep '22
Strategies Jordan Belfort Abused To Become The Greatest Salesman
How Would You Invest $25K To Make $1M
How Would You Invest $25K To Make $1M
Traits to Understand To Become Elite 🦅
Contents: 1) Preamble 2) Worldly Wealth 3) Intelligences 3A) IQ 3B) Realism 3C) Cunning 4) Big 5 Personality Traits 4A) Extroversion 4B) Agreeableness 4C) Neuroticism 4D) Agreeableness and Neuroticism, Comfort With Conflict 4E) Conscientiousness 4F) Openness 1) Preamble: What follows are a list of traits you must understand in order to have any hope of comprehending the content within the rest of this publication. If you are well educated in matters of strategy and psychology, give this essay a skip; you already know it. 2) Worldly Wealth: Worldly wealth is what every man wants: money, power, status. It’s what billionaires have plenty of, and the homeless have none of. 3) Intelligences: 3A) IQ (Cognitive Ability) IQ is nothing more than cognitive processing power. It measures a person’s ability to comprehend complexity. People with high IQs are commonly referred to as ‘smart’. They are capable of analyzing complex information fast and accurately, doing advanced mathematics, have good memories, and so on. People with low IQs are commonly referred to as ‘dumb’. Their reading comprehension is below average, and their ability to understand complex information is poor. IQ is a ruthlessly good predictor of long term life success, and indeed it is the single best predictor of income. If there is one advantage you could give a child for succeeding at life it would be this: give them a high IQ. An individual’s IQ is partially determined by both genetics and early childhood environment. Tragically, IQ is not changeable once a person has reached adulthood; if you have a low IQ, there is nothing that can be done to help you (or at least nothing that has yet been discovered). Men and women have equal IQs on average, however male IQ is more variable than female IQ. What this means is that most geniuses are men, and most idiots are also men. 3B) Realism Realism is simply being in touch with reality. Choosing to believe ugly truths, rather than happy lies.
Traits to Understand To Become Elite 🦅
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