Black Men ELEVATE.
Private group
7 members
⛔️You don't move with integrity.
⛔️You don't care about adding value.
⛔️You don't want to be a valuable man of impact.
⛔️You are only a taker and don't want to be challenged.
⛔️You don't care about who you are or who you're becoming as a man.
⛔️Most importantly, you don't want to help build a brotherhood of 10,000 men!
BUT if you're tired of groups with no substance, no genuine connection to a mission,
no accountability that are just big internet hangouts…
AND if you're hungry to grow and want to join other supportive men living in their masculine energy on the same journey as you…
AND you're nodding your head, thinking to yourself this is "EXACTLY"what I've been looking for…
THEN this is where it all starts
Lao Tzu said "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" -- walk with me as we take our first steps to 10,000 men of value.
and become a Founding Member today! LET'S GOOOOOO 💪🏽
Black Men ELEVATE.
BE a founding member of a Brotherhood of MEN, who commit and are accountable to becoming their absolute GREATEST version!
Come grow with us 💪🏽
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