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Meme Warfare
New comment 10d ago
Meme Warfare
Food Fraud, OLIVE OIL
Up to 80% of the Italian extra virgin olive oil on the market is fraudulent. This was discovered in 2019. As prices soar, the temptation for food fraud increases. Cut costs, maintain profits. The cost? Your health. The low quality food you're purchasing could be of even lower quality than you think. This isn’t just about getting what you pay for. Consuming rancid fraudulent olive oils can have real health implications. This diet is deeper than picking up the cheapest bottle of olive oil you can find. Quality Ingredients Authenticity County of Origin Your health is worth it. Cheap food might seem like a good deal, but it’s a ticket to becoming a patient in the medical system. When you consume low-quality, adulterated foods, you’re risking your health and potentially inviting future illnesses. You might be saving money on your grocery bill today, you could end up spending much more on healthcare costs down the line. Investing more in quality food today is an investment in your future health. It’s not just about living longer, but about having a healthier and more enjoyable future to look forward to. Remember, the food you eat today shapes the life you live tomorrow. Choose wisely. I've been on the front lines, saving my family and others from seed oils and food fraud. I've put my heart and soul into this diet and I can't wait to share it with you all
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The Seed Oil Rebellion
Occasionally funny seed oil memes
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