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New Members Alert🚨
Hey CXNNECT family, we’ve got 2 new members in the building, please help me welcome @Tony Dicks and @Dominic Valentino 🎉🎉🎉 Tony and Dominic, we’d all love to know you more about you guys, so please tell us a bit more about what you do, and why you decided to join our community. Guys, The floor is yours…😎🎤
New Members Alert🚨
New Member Announcement!!!
Hey Cxnnect Bosses! We're now at 42 and would like to give a warm welcome to our newest member: @Vince Mutanhaurwa Would love to hear more about what you do when you see this Vince! Welcome to Cxnnect!
New Member Announcement!!!
Market Validation
Hey all, I am looking for a few people to either schedule a call with or link on DM’s for a business idea I have (preferably coders/AI programmers to see the feasibility and to see if the general idea has potential). If anybody is interested, please reach out or comment on this! (This is a b to c idea, but could branch to b to b)
New comment Feb 14
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