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Do you use CRM?
Hello All, I'm collating info about CRM usage and would love your input. Do you use a CRM system? If you answer yes please comment which one, if no why not? Thanks in advance for your input 🙌
2 members have voted
New comment Mar 11
Flu Remedies: Please Share Solutions
Sorry for being quiet! I’ve caught a bug since coming back home. I’d love to know some remedies to fight this off. Any recommendations of medicine or holistic remedies that have worked for you?
New comment Feb 24
Flu Remedies: Please Share Solutions
There isn't a finish line
If you're working toward a point where there will somehow be no more work to do, STOP 🛑 ✋ That point does not exist. When we resolve or complete something, another thing simply takes its place. Once you realize this, everything changes. MANAGE YOUR LIFE/TIME efficiently and you will find constant growth is abundant. This has been another public service announcement brought to you by #Saywhatsales and the Sell Better family. #mindset
New comment Feb 21
Exciting news! 🚨
Hey guys, hope you’ve had a great weekend and ready to get the new week going. So we’re starting with our group calls and sessions this week, more details TBA soon. Stay tuned!
New comment Feb 20
Exciting news! 🚨
AI Driven Organic Social Engine
Hey guys, I want to share with you the simple 3-Step process we use to publish 300+ reels per month across all major social platforms 100X faster leveraging AI. If you have any questions, interested to learn more, or want help on implementing this process efficiently, let me know, and I'll be happy to assist.
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