Dream Life Academy
Private group
222 members
$111 /month
Many Awakened Women struggle with feeling unfulfilled and hating their life. Why? Because you’re not intentionally creating your reality! When we don’t step into our creation power, we feel miserable and stuck in a life we hate. We waste our entire life watching everyone else create their dreams but never figure out how to manifest our own dream life!
Dream Life Academy is all about Dream Life Creation. We help Awakened Women take their power back as intentional creators of their reality! DLA is the perfect private community for Awakened Women because it’s an all in one sacred container that pushes you to finally reach your goals & create a life you’re wildly obsessed with. With weekly group coaching calls, masterclasses, courses, New & Full moon rituals, and so much more, we use the power of manifestation and mindset to attract our dreams! If you’re excited to create a life of more fun, more feminine play, and more manifestations fulfilled, you NEED to join Dream Life Academy! 🌟✨
Dream Life Academy
🎀 Create your dream life through manifestation and mindset.
✨Awakened Women don’t complain, they create.
🔒Private Group Coaching Community.
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