It is very funny because even then I liked to deal with cash! I was a part-time cashier through high school and university. It taught me commitment, responsibility, and cash management because I had to pay for my private university(18yo) and my driving license (18yo), and I started paying for my first car.
Until today, I am proud of what I can achieve if I am committed. I learned to be responsible when I commit to something. I learned that I need to make choices because we can not afford everything, but We can afford what we value the most.
Did you listen to the podcast with Susanne Margia? She talked about how she did accounts for her Dad when she was a teenager, and how that set her up for life.
I had sooo many jobs as a teenager. I started my first business aged 15 with four friends - we sold snacks at school during morning break times. It was a lot of fun and taught us a lot about managing people, stock and money.
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