☀️ Summer Business School - Your Success Strategies
Hey there Summer Schoolers!
Module three is now available for you - but before you start creating the boundaries that will support your wellbeing and success, I'd love to know how last week went for you.
How do you feel now about your success strategies? What adjustments will you be making, if any?
• Jul '24
This was an interesting module, I feel like I already knew what I need to do, but just needed to see it written down to actually take action.
For example, I know that just having a tidy desk area can make a huge difference for me, but I've let it slip recently, so even just spending 5 minutes at the end of each day putting away my notebooks/papers/pens/ is a good habit, which I will be starting from today!
I also, always, have too many tabs open, which I find distracting, I've now got a new bookmark folder, which I can go through once a week (I've scheduled half an hour on a Thursday afternoon to do so) and once I've watched the video/read the article, I can either delete it from the folder or move it to a more suitable folder.
• Jul '24
this is great. And you're right, so often we know what works for us, but because we haven't set up a conscious system to manage it, it can slip. I love your bookmarking strategy!
• Jul '24
Last week went well. started cleaning up my desk, putting things away or even throwing things away. Deleting photos from my phone, putting order in my emails and docs (like Jennie moving stuff to suitable folders). Tomorrow, will do Module 3.
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Melitta Campbell
☀️ Summer Business School - Your Success Strategies
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