My mission.
Ok... if I'm being honest with you, I resisted.
I am a libra, and as with many librans (if you believe in that stuff), is that i weigh up everything millions of times before reaching a decision. It can look like precarisation and indecisiveness, but really I want to consider EVER scenario before i jump into something.
So, I've been in the email game for nearly 20 years, and only now have I decided to go all-in on content creation. I know... really Doug?
So expect more content from me.
Cos my goal is to give away my knowledge and help as many marketers as possible, and in a selfish return for this effort, I want to sell my courses and coaching, and be seen as a go-to expert.
I want to take you all for the ride, and support you the best I can, in return, please like, comment and share my stuff, both on here and on LinkedIn too (
Here's to being awesome with email.
Doug Dennison
My mission.
The Email Lab
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