ive seen instant change happen , i know it can happen, so why doesnt it happen
this is a part two of my prev post
i heavily dislike the behaviorism type of changework (atomic habits is the king of this topic)
where you merely optimize your environment, block out all distractions and make work "easier" by having it ready before hand and somehow this will help you change overtime.
The idea is the mind is a muscle and the more you train it the better it gets
but this model fails drastically
how often do you go on streaks where you quit or do something, only to horrifically fall off the wagon
how many stories of alcoholics you hear that have been abstinent for literal years only to fall off in one big bender that completely destroys all the progress theyve made
on the contrast, there are people who instantly change, they instantly change careers, quit smoking, do amazing things instantly, with no real drawback or regression
what gives?
Adam Smith
ive seen instant change happen , i know it can happen, so why doesnt it happen
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