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How many of you are in associations?
Are you with a traditional group, how do you find it? Does it restrict your thinking or syllabus in anyway?
New comment Mar 13
What's a student worth to you?
What is the life time value of a student in your school?
What's a student worth to you?
New Members
Hi Guys, welcome to the Skool, please introduce yourself and let me know a bit about what you do and what you teach.
New comment Mar 11
A little about me .... (as requested).
Hi Mike, love this idea looking forward to seeing where it goes 😀 As requested, a little about me: I run Kuroten Practical Karate and teach children aged 5 all the way through to adults. We opened in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic! We now have Infant classes kids aged 5-7, Juniors aged 7-11 years, Cadets aged 11-15 years and adults aged 15 years plus. We have a 3 practical syllubus, teaching kihon, kata, sparring, impact work, grappling, throws and ground fighting. I also teach age appropriate self protection targeted at the age group for each class. We have an infant syllubus, a junior syllabus and an adult syllabus. The children aren't graded as adults until they are at least 15 but begin to learn some elements of the adult syallubus from 11. We have quite a high number of students with additional needs and disabilities within the club, I run quite a few adaptitive syallubus to ensure that everyone is able to progress on their own journey within their own capabilites. I'm looking forward to one day having my students who started with me in the infant class work all the way through to the adult class!
New comment Mar 8
Fb gone down in the. UK
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Teaching Karate Kids
If you Teach Karate Kids then this is the Skool for you. Packed with ideas and suggestions you can use in your class today!
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