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Welcome to Peotter's Detail Mastery Accelerator! We have created a community for Repair Shops, Detailers, and Enthusiast who are interested in an immersive online program that is aimed to elevate your skills to unprecedented heights in the art and science of auto body detailing. We will have multiple courses available geared to many audiences. Our community section is filled with helpful information as well as a networking center to connect with other professionals. General Discussion Networking- Where repairers meet detailers. Products Auto Repair Shops Detailers Procedures Techniques Comparisons ➡️To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself: 1. Your Name 2. What part of the detailing industry are you in? ( Repair Shop or Detailer) Also here is an article where we had two of our staff members featured in last year's Northeast Bodywork Bowl!
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New comment 13d ago
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Gears and Gleam Collide
Are you a Repair Shop looking for a Detailer to cater to your clients special needs? Or are you a Detailer looking to collaborate/partner with a repair shop? Please Comment Below with your: ✍️Name 📨Email 📌Location 🔍What it is you are looking for? Collaboration? Assistance?
Gears and Gleam Collide
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Hey Everyone, My name is Val, i am from Ontario, Canada. Worked at a local car wash from age 14-16, that was 20 years ago (Im 35). got some basic skills there and during the pandemic changed my old profession to start a mobile detailing business. now im looking to scale out and hire people to help me in my business. Always looking for ways to improve my own skills and my business as a whole. not very satisfied with income yet, but i have faith that through desire and discipline i shall achieve a financial independence and build a great brand.
New comment 20d ago
Hello I'm new here My name is Mercy I need someone to show me the way here
New comment Jun 3
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Detailing World NJ BMA
Designed for enthusiasts & professionals alike, aiming to elevate your skills to unprecedented heights in the art and science of auto body detailing.
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