Divorce Daddy
Private group
2 members
$50 /month
Coaching and support for fathers going through a divorce
What you'll get:
✅ My best strategies for turning your pain into meaning. You will get access to resources and strategies for dealing with the difficult
✅ Bi-monthly coaching calls. Get support from other men who have been where you are.
✅ Support from a community of fathers
✅ Opportunity for 1:1 coaching
It’s tough navigating a divorce. It’s even tougher navigating it alone as a father.
You’re pummelled, stripped of wealth, autonomy, respect, momentum, and dignity. Everything good is replaced with bitterness. But survival isn’t enough. Some men spend the rest of their lives wrapped up in post-divorce bitterness, so they pass that negative energy on to their kids.
I want you to know you can write a different story; one that’s respectful of yourself and your kids. You can ditch the bitterness, stop biting emotional hooks. Be the calm centre so you can become a self-led man.
Divorce Daddy
A community and coaching for dads experiencing a divorce
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